
CATENA is registered in the Official Register of Associations at the city of Mainz, situated in Rheinland-Pfalz, Federal Republic of Germany. The Constitution and the General Standing Orders comprise the Rules for the cooperation of the members of CATENA.


The legislative power is in the hands of the Curatorium.


Delegates of member organisations of CATENA constitute the Curatorium.


Each obedience (Grand Lodge) comprising three or more Lodges has three delegates, each member organisation having less that three lodges has only one delegate.


Each delegate has one vote, with the exception of the President, who is not a delegate. In the event of a tied vote in business matters the President has the casting vote and additionally he has the right to postpone the voting on this subject matter.


The delegates to the Curatorium are nominated by each member organisation according to its own tradition and customs, for three years. The Curatorium elects from its own body the President, the members of the Executive Committee and their substitutes.


The General Standing Orders comprise rules of administrative details and the finances of CATENA.


The official language of CATENA is English. As far as possible, translations are provided during meetings and discussions.